Tuesday 25 January 2011

I have also started to make up my own narratives in order to link them to a image or video of a memory. In order to generate these short stories I researched different people's happy memories on the internet to get a starting point and also asked a lot of people, in person that I know and also over an internet site yahoo answers to different random people who chose to answer my question. After reading these memories I used my imagination to expand these stories and create my own. Here is one of the made up memories I wrote:

"We were sitting together in silence listening to the old songs on the radio, you were sat with the blanket over your knees in your usual place, the chair positioned in front of the patio door facing the back garden, your pride and joy. The flowers that when you were able to move about so easily and freely you planted each and every day, whatever the weather. You were so passionate like that. Sunflowers, poppies, bluebells stood graciously in every corner of the garden. I sat to your right watching every movement in your face, your stunning blue eyes matched your blouse that day. I remember thinking how lucky I was to have spent most of my days growing old with you, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that. I don’t think I needed to. It was then the radio played our song, the one that we danced to for the first time so many years ago. I closed my eyes and remembered that day we danced together, my hands around your tiny waist in your blue dress that touched the floor. I opened my eyes and saw you slowly lifting your hand and without turning your gaze, you placed it softly in mine on my lap."

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